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Präsentation von Dr. Thorsten Fox auf der Online Educa 2003: ZMS eLearning Components: Schlüsselfaktoren für die effiziente Produktion von medizinischen eLearning Angeboten.



Online Educa Berlin 2003
9. Internationale Konferenz für technologisch gestützte Aus- und Weiterbildung
Session "E-Learning Tools & Anwendungen"
Freitag, 5. Dezember 2003, 14:30 - 16:00 h


ZMS eLearning Components: Addressing key factors for the efficient production of medical eLearning courses.

Abstract (short)

The presentation will demonstrate how the ZMS eLearning Components (eLC) support the efficient production of eLearning material by focussing on examples from the medical area.

The following topics are addressed:

  • Minimizing investments while immediately getting productive in high quality learning content production (SCORM, XML), that allow for cross-media productions required for blended learning scenarios, by using open source software
  • Establishing production standards and work-flows, that require a minimum of technical media and programming knowledge for authoring and administration of courses and students
  • Developing methods and techniques for easily integrating highly valued rich media content, such as interactive 3D graphics and animation, that can be used for realising motivating learning content as well as self-assessment components
  • Define entrance points for publishing companies, industry, and content providers, to participate in business cases
Icon (473KB)
Charts ZMS eLC Online EDUCA Berlin 2003
Icon (140KB)
Extended Abstract Online Educa 2003 (in english)
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